During Childbirth

Many people falsely assume that
women don’t care about their modesty during childbirth
because they are in too much pain, but that is simply not true.
There are many women who feel that their modesty during childbirth
is extremely important. Some women and husbands don’t
want a male ob/gyn or any other male medical professional to
be present for the birth of their baby. All too often families
have their wishes for modesty violated as they gave birth. The
birth of your child should be a joyful time and it is tragic
how violations of modesty have made birth experiences traumatic.
Even female ob/gyns can be insensitive. Some female doctors
have ignored women's wishes for privacy and allow medical students
to be present for all parts of birth even when asked otherwise.
Home (or birthing center) births
with a midwife attending is an excellent choice for healthy
women with low risk pregnancies. Giving birth is a natural function,
not an acute illness. You are often treated like a sick patient
at the hospital, while home birth is much more natural. You
are free to eat, drink, and walk around. You choose who is there
with you – family, friends, or neighbors. There are no
externally-imposed visiting hours in your home, before, during,
or after the birth. Women's wishes for modesty in hospital settings
are disregarded routinely. Unnecessary medical interventions
are common. The list is huge, but a few examples are: too many
pelvic examinations, episiotomies and unnecessary C-sections.
Medical students strive to do as many pelvic exams as they can
for their requirements and many women are taken off guard because
they have medical students coming into their room uninvited
doing these invasive exams and other procedures without asking.
Midwives do fewer pelvic exams and always ask first. With respect
for you as a laboring woman, you will reduce your chance of
having these unnecessary interventions.
If you choose an out-of-hospital
birth, look for an appropriate back-up plan, preferably with
an all female ob/gyn practice to deliver your baby. Always
be prepared for complications that could happen that would require
you to be transported to the hospital from a birthing center
or your home so it is very crucial that you prepare a back up
plan ahead of time. Make it clear to your midwife that
you don't want a male gynecologist. Many midwives even do breast
examinations, pap smears, gynecological examinations, and even
some procedures for women who are not pregnant.
For a planned hospital birth,
(or unplanned as in the case of a transport from home or birth
center), if a birthing mother wishes for an all female team
and maintain that her husband is the only man present, she will
need to choose an all-female ob/gyn practice that doesn't rotate
with other practices of male doctors. Keep in mind that all
doctors in a practice rotate. There are many wonderful female
ob/gyns in mixed practices, but you usually cannot be guaranteed
a female ob/gyn in a mixed practice. If you use a practice that
has two female doctors and two male doctors, you have a 50%
chance of having a male doctor deliver your baby unless you
have a scheduled C-Section with one of the female doctors.
Discuss with your ob/gyn your
desires for an all female medical team for the birth of your
baby. You should also visit the hospital and meet the nurses
especially the nursing supervisor to let them know your desires.
Remember that the team may consist of the female ob/gyn doctor,
nurses, anesthesiologist and/or nurse anesthetists, and surgical
scrub technician. If you need an epidural, you will need an
anesthesiologist. It's best if your team consists of all females,
a female anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist. Many hospitals
employ at least a few nurse anesthetists. Nurse anesthetists
are often able to administer anesthesia without an anesthesiologist.
If it isn't possible, speak to the doctor and nurses and request
that they keep your private parts covered while the anesthesiologist
or anesthetist is present to protect your dignity and modesty.
If you must have a Cesarean Section, you will be required to
have a catheter inserted. You should ask that the male anesthesiologist
or anesthetist stay out of the room until all of the prepping
for surgery including insertion of the urinary catheter has
been done. Check out this article, C-Section
Who Is Involved? about who all could be present for your
One of the goals of Medical
Patient Modesty is to help women succeed in having a respectful,
all female team and be more assured of having modesty protected.
We hope to educate medical professionals, including female gynecologists,
about the importance of patient modesty and how they can protect
a women’s dignity and make a hospital birth more joyful.
A number of hospitals in the United States, especially rural
areas, have mostly male ob/gyns and few or no female ob/gyns.
We consider this is a very serious problem. Many women don’t
want a male gynecologist to deliver their baby and feel violated
by most of them. Far too many hospitals cannot assure families
that their desires for modesty will be met. We want to contact
those hospitals and set up dialogue about this issue. All hospitals
should offer this choice for women, to be able to birth with
a woman. There are a number of wonderful all female ob/gyn practices
in the United States that work hard to accommodate patients’
wishes for an all female team. Unfortunately, it is hard to
find an all female ob/gyn practice in small towns so women who
reside in those areas have limited choices unless they are willing
to drive to a bigger city. Before 1990, there were not many
all female ob/gyn practices so women's choices were very limited.
About 80-90% of current ob/gyn residents are female so there
will be an increase of hospitals that can guarantee a woman
a female OB/GYN for the birth of her baby in the years to come.
Important Tips For Pregnant
Women Concerned About Modesty During Childbirth:
1) Choose an all female ob/gyn
practice that doesn't rotate with other practices that have
male doctors.
2) Visit the hospital that
the practice delivers at and ask to speak to the nursing supervisor
or the manager for the Labor & Delivery unit. Discuss your
wishes about who you want to be present and how the nurses can
protect your modesty in case a male anesthesiologist or pediatrician
is required to be there for some parts of the birth. Make sure
you indicate if you don't wish for even female medical students
to be there. Some women who want an all female team are open
to female medical students observing them giving birth.
3) Request that the amount
of vaginal exams be kept to a minimum. Vaginal exams cannot
tell you exactly how close you are to giving birth. They can
increase the risks of infection even when done carefully and
with sterile gloves.
4) Speak up immediately if
you feel your wishes are not being honored.
5) Create a birth plan. Make
sure that you include who you want to have present. If you don't
want medical students or male medical professionals to be present,
indicate that on your birth plan. Make sure you come up with
a plan in case the unexpected happens.
6) Consider hiring a doula
to provide support during your labor. She is an advocate who
can help you to speak up for your wishes about modesty if you
are birthing in the hospital.
** Check out the testimony
of a lady we helped to take steps to ensure she had an all-female
staff for the birth of her baby. **
Some Important Links:
Not Disturb: The Importance of Privacy in Labor
Decision Making, Informed Consent or Refusal
The Myth of a Vaginal Exam
Exams - Why They are Unnecessary in Normal Labors
Who Is Involved?